Discover “Hot Spots” before they become a Problem.
Why have an Infrared Inspection?
- Infrared detection of hot spots in energized transmission and distribution equipment.
- Preformed on system without down-time.
- Energy Savings Applications (steam traps, piping insulation, tank insulation product flow problems, insulation system seals, furnace brick status, etc.).
- Identify loose connections, open circuits, overloaded circuits and a large range of other unwanted electrical conditions BEFORE they develop into failure.
- The survey allows for inspection of a large amount of equipment in a short time

Field Examples of Problems Discovered by Infrared Inspection

Infrared inspection is a crucial part in a well thought out preventative maintenance program. In fact Infrared Inspection is one of the most widely recognized forms of non destructive testing (NDT) in use today. POWER TECH will work with your specific needs to develop an Infrared Inspection plan that will best suit your needs. Find trouble areas without down time and before they become a problem. POWER TECH’s technicians are highly trained and are level 2 certified. We use state of the art FLIR Systems Cameras to detect “Hot Spots”.
An equipped Inspection Service Vehicle operated by an experienced POWER TECH Technician is prepared to provide Infrared Services on site. Once the inspection is complete a detailed report is submitted to the client outlining ALL of the trouble areas discovered. Contact us with regarding your specific Infrared needs: RESCOTT@PTSBTR.COM.