Complete Relay Testing Services:
No matter what brand or type of relays you own POWER TECH can repair and or test them. Below is a summary of what POWER TECH can do for you.
Visual and Mechanical Inspection:
- Relays shall be inspected for physical damage and compliance with specifications.
- Inspect cover gasket, cover glass, presence of foreign material, moisture, condition of spiral spring, disc clearance, rust and contacts.
- Check mechanically for freedom of movement, proper travel and alignment, and tightness of mounting hardware and tap screws.
- All settings shall be made in accordance with customer.
Electrical tests:
- Perform the following tests on the nominal settings:
- Pick up parameters on each operating element.
- Timing test shall be performed at three (3) points on the time dial curve.
- Pick up target and seal in units.
- Special test as required to check operation of restraint, directional and other elements per manufacturer’s instruction manual.

Complete “In-Shop” Relay Repair and Calibration
POWER TECH offers a complete line of Relay Testing Services. An equipped Inspection Service Vehicle operated by an experienced POWER TECH Technician is prepared to provide advisory technical services, perform tests and recommend repair all on site. Contact us with regarding your specific Relay Testing needs: RESCOTT@PTSBTR.COM.